
Interlibrary loan (ILL) is a free service, 使用ILLiad系统, that allows you to request journal articles, 书, and other needed research materials that are 不 available at ODU. 所有馆际互借资料的领取和归还地点是在学习公共场所的帮助台, 1st floor of 佩里图书馆. 馆际互借和文件传递服务股设在佩里图书馆, 4000房间, and 工作人员 are available to answer ILL related questions. Please contact them at 757-683-4170 or libill@sh-fyz.com.


ODU的学生, 教师, 工作人员, 及大学图书馆之友的终身会员均有资格使用图书馆服务.

要注册馆际互借服务,您必须创建一个ILLiad帐户(页面顶部)。. 使用您的MIDAS ID登录,然后在ILLiad网页上填写表格.

一旦您注册了ILL服务,您就可以访问您的帐户(页面顶部)并使用您的MIDAS ID登录. From your account you can check the status of your pending requests, see which items you have checked out with their due dates, change your password or personal information, and make manual requests for items.

一般来说,用户通过馆际互借获取资料不需要任何费用. Most costs are paid by the ODU Libraries. 在极少数情况下,借阅图书馆会收取我们无法支付的费用. 在这种情况下,我们会与您联系,以确定您是否愿意支付这些额外费用.

You 五月 request materials found in 君主引, 在线研究数据库参考书目,或来自期刊文章、书籍、论文等的参考书目. If you have a citation, we can attempt to borrow it!

广泛出版的书籍和期刊文章通常是快速和容易获得的. We will attempt to acquire all items requested; 然而, 下列物品往往难以获得,有时甚至不可能获得:

  • Books published very recently, especially current fiction
  • Popular non-academic media - CDs and DVDs
  • Mixed media - slides, art catalogs, etc.
  • 整期期刊
  • 档案材料
  • Books more than 75 years old
  • Books owned by only a handful of libraries
  • Books 不 available in any North American libraries
  • 国外的论文
  • 正在出版但尚未由出版商正式发布的材料
  • 教科书


交付时间取决于您要求的材料类型以及哪个图书馆向我们发送您要求的材料. Articles can arrive in as little as a few hours and as long as 7-10 days. 图书和视听资料一般在提出要求后3-10天到达.

所有馆际互借资料的领取和归还地点是服务台, 1楼, 佩里图书馆. 馆际互借和文献传递服务的工作人员位于佩里图书馆, 4000房间-West (4th floor) to answer your questions. They can also be contacted at libill@sh-fyz.com or 757-683-4170.

如果您要求一篇文章,它可能会以电子方式发送到您的ILLiad帐户. 要访问这些文档,您必须登录到您的ILLiad帐户(页面顶部)。. 在左侧导航栏的“查看”下选择“电子接收文章”查看和下载.

We will mail you the materials you request, including 书 in the ODU Libraries collections, to your home address or your distance learning site. Request an electronic UPS return label at libill@sh-fyz.com. 请在UPS退货标签上提供您的邮箱地址和家庭住址.

Requests are cancelled for a variety of reasons, including:

  • It is available through the ODU Libraries collections
  • It is available for free online
  • It is a rare item and we have been unable to locate a copy to borrow
  • 这个项目是用外语写的,你没有表明其他语言是可以接受的

您可以通过登录您的ILLiad帐户(页面顶部)来检查请求的状态。. 在左侧导航栏的View下选择“Outstanding Requests”查看状态. 要查看已签出的项目列表及其截止日期,请选择“签出项目”。

ODU图书馆致力于满足教师、学生和员工的研究需求. 您可以提出的请求数量或您可以借出的项目数量没有限制. 因为馆际互借是一项由大学资助的昂贵服务, 然而, ask that you only request items needed for your research.

No. 你借的书的到期日由借阅图书馆设定,一般为两到八周. If the book label is 不 stamped "No Renewal" we 五月 能够续借另一个借期(再借两到八周). If you need a book for an extended period of time, 我们建议你在截止日期前一两个星期重新提出申请.

If the book label is stamped "No Renewal" the lending library will allow an extension of the due date. If there is no stamp we can request a renewal, 但决定是由借阅图书馆做出的,而不是ODU ILL办公室.

You have several options for requesting a renewal:

  • Login to your ILLiad account (top of page) 并在左侧导航栏的“借出物品”下查看你想续借的物品. Click on transaction number of the item you want to renew. If you see a "Renew Request" button above the transaction information, you can attempt to request a renewal.
  • 您可以在项目到期前大约一周收到自动到期日提醒电子邮件
  • You can contact us directly at libill@sh-fyz.com or 757-683-4170

We will attempt to acquire any item that you request; 然而, most libraries do 不 own current editions of text书, so it is unlikely we would be able to get the book for you. 如果图书馆确实拥有它, 它通常是不流通的储备馆藏,无法进行馆际互借. You are welcome to request an earlier edition of a required textbook.

如果您表明您只想要英文材料,并且有已出版的所要求项目的英文翻译,我们将尝试获取它. 如果项目是用外语写的,没有出版的英语翻译,我们无法为您翻译项目.

可能. Some libraries are able to provide color copies, though many are 不. If you need a color copy of an article, please indicate this in the 笔记 field of the request and we will try to find a library that can supply it. If we are unable to locate a provider, we will contact you to determine if black-and-white is acceptable.

图书应在书标上所列的到期日或之前归还. We will contact via email approximately 7 days before the item is due, 7 days after the item is due, and 21 days after the item is due. 逾期21天,我们将冻结您的ILLiad和图书馆账户. 逾期28天,您将开始收取1美元/天的罚款,直到退货为止. 逾期罚款只会在图书登记时存入读者账户. 如果物品逾期超过60天,你将被收取80美元的更换费. If you return the item after this point, we will forgive the $80 replacement fee, but the overdue fines will stand.

If you determine that you have lost an item, please contact the ILL department either in person, 电话757-683-4171, 或电邮至 libill@sh-fyz.com. 我们将与借阅图书馆联系,以确定有哪些选择可以替代丢失的图书,并通知您他们的偏好.
