


  • undergraduate students who are
  • members of the Active Duty U的分量.S. military (or 现役的预备役或国民警卫队成员 Title X orders)
  • taking for-credit courses (可以是度数 or 非学位要求,在校园内提供 or online)

* 2018年秋季生效的军事学费费率


如果你在入学申请中自称为“现役军人”, 你的身份将由注册办公室使用 军人民事救济法案(SCRA)网站. We must be able to verify that the student is on active-duty on the date verified and in one of the following Service Components: Army Active Duty; Coast Guard Active Duty; Air Force Active Duty; Marine Corps Active Duty; or Navy Active Duty. 请注意,其他服务组件, 包括预备役和国民警卫队没有资格享受减免的学费.

如果您的服务状态没有在SCRA网站上正确列出, 你有责任通过联系你的服务部门的人事指挥部来纠正它. 订单副本将不被接受作为现役状态的证明.

如果你是一个合格的学生,但没有收到军事学费率,请发电子邮件 instate@sh-fyz.com for assistance. 为了确认确认现役状态, 我们必须有学生的社会安全号码, Date of Birth, 档案上的合法姓氏. 如果档案里没有这些信息, 我们可能需要政府颁发的身份证件来核实.




现役军人, 现役警卫或预备役队员, 或被动员或执行临时现役命令六个月以上的警卫或预备役人员, 谁住在弗吉尼亚,才有资格享受州内学费.

要符合资格,现役军人必须申请州内学费率使用 现役/退伍军人学费申请. 资格验证是通过订单和弗吉尼亚州居住证明, 哪些资料应连同申请一并提交.

  • The benefit is not 根据弗吉尼亚州内居民的身份, 而是对学生可能收取的学费数额加以限制.
  • 学费援助授权表格将不符合学生的州内学费率. 必须提交以下指定的文件,以便有资格获得州内费率.
  • The provision does not provide access to financial aid reserved for Virginia in-state residents and eligible students continue to be categorized as out-of-state (if appropriate) for reporting purposes.


  • 证明现役军人身份或预备役/警卫成员激活的军令副本
  • 弗吉尼亚居住证明文件(如水电费账单、有效租约等).)
  • 您必须在计划使用此福利的每个学期提交此文件



2007年秋季生效, 学费援助授权表格不再自动使学生符合州内学费率. 才有资格享受州内学费, active duty military members must apply for the in-state tuition rate using the 现役军人 Tuition Benefit Form.

The following two elements form the basis of the in-state tuition eligibility for non-Virginia domiciled members of the armed forces enrolled in courses at 最靠谱的网赌软件:

  1. 不在维吉尼亚州居住的武装部队成员必须提交一份完整的 学费资助(TA)文件 这至少涵盖了他们入学学期学费的一部分.
  2. 此外,军校学生分配的命令必须有一个 “特别安排合约”(SAC) 最靠谱的网赌软件.

TA文件必须提交至少学生总学费的一部分 every semester 那名军校学生是ODU的学生. 学生须自行支付助教未支付的部分学费, 并提交助教文件,表示学生接受支付未涵盖的学费. This is an absolute requirement of Virginia law that governs domicile and tuition rates at state institutions and is a provision of the SAC with their command or facility. The University processes the TA document to pay the covered amount-- please always include a social security number (SSN) or University Identification Number (UIN) on TA forms.



有关这一福利的问题应提交给 instate@sh-fyz.com 或致电注册办公室,电话 757-683-4425.


As defined by 37 U.S.C. 401,所有受养人:

  • 现役军人, 或被激活或临时动员(被激活服役六个月以上)的预备役人员或警卫人员,
  • 被分配到弗吉尼亚州的永久工作地点或工作地点, 或在与弗吉尼亚或哥伦比亚特区相邻的州,
  • 居住在弗吉尼亚的人

shall be deemed to be domiciled in Virginia for purposes of eligibility for in-state tuition and shall be eligible to receive tuition in Virginia in accordance with this section.

All such dependents shall be afforded the same educational benefits as any other individual receiving in-state tuition pursuant to this section so long as they are continuously enrolled in an undergraduate or graduate degree program of an institution of higher education in Virginia or are transferring between Virginia institutions of higher education or from an undergraduate degree program to a graduate degree program.

"Dependent" 被定义为包括:

  • Spouse
  • 未满21岁的儿童,规定至23岁
  • Dependent parent
  • 法定监护权,收养和继子女

资格日期: The date of eligibility is either the date of admission or acceptance for dependents currently residing in Virginia or the final add/drop date for dependents of members newly transferred to Virginia.

适用于现役军人的家属, 工作地点可以在弗吉尼亚州, 与弗吉尼亚相邻的一个州, 或者哥伦比亚特区. 居住地点必须在弗吉尼亚州.


  • 一份军事命令副本,证明:

    • 现役军人身份或激活预备役/警卫成员,以及
    • 工作地点/工作地点在弗吉尼亚州,邻近的州或华盛顿特区
  • 弗吉尼亚居住证明文件(如水电费账单、有效租约等).)
  • 美国签发的军人家属身份证复印件.S. military.

要有资格获得该福利,请提交 军人配偶/家属学费申请 到大学教务处.



有关这一福利的问题应提交给 instate@sh-fyz.com 或致电注册办公室,电话 757-683-4425.

某些州内学费.I. Bill® Recipients

38 U.S.C. §3679 requires institutions of higher education to charge covered individuals in-state tuition if they are pursuing a course using educational assistance under G.I. Bill® Chapters 30, 31, 33岁或35岁,同时居住在教育机构所在的州.


  • 根据第30章使用教育援助的退伍军人(Montgomery G.I. Bill®),第31章(退伍军人准备和就业)或第33章(9/11后G).I. Bill®),并且在服役90天或更长时间后在ODU注册.
  • 配偶或受抚养人使用第33章(9/11后.I. Bill®) benefits who lives in Virginia while attending ODU (regardless of his/her formal State of residence) and enrolls in the school following the transferor's discharge or release from a period of active duty service of 90 days or more, 或者转让人是现役军人.
  • Anyone using benefits under the Marine Gunnery Sergeant John David Fry Scholarship who lives in Virginia while attending ODU (regardless of his/her formal State of residence).
  • 任何使用第35章(家属教育援助)福利并在就读ODU期间住在弗吉尼亚州的人.
  • Anyone described above while he or she remains continuously enrolled at ODU (other than during regularly scheduled breaks between courses, semesters, (或学期)在同一所学校.

要有资格获得该福利,请提交 军人配偶/家属学费申请 到大学教务处.




有关这一福利的问题应提交给 instate@sh-fyz.com 或致电注册办公室,电话 757-683-4425.


For students using VA Educational Benefits and students who are utilizing their VA Benefits may qualify for a veteran's deferment at least 90 days from the tuition deadline. 退伍军人管理局未支付的费用必须由 tuition deadline to prevent late penalties.


November 25th


April 10th


October 3rd


Spouses and dependent children of active duty military who may qualify for the Military Dependent Tuition Benefit are strongly encouraged to contact the Office of the 大学注册 or the appropriate base representatives for full information and application forms. 所有表格均可在 大学注册主任表格 page.

军人配偶/家属学费津贴表 and a copy of the military member's orders to Virginia must be submitted 到大学教务处 prior to beginning classes.

在福利申请被处理后, 学生将收到书面通知,他们将根据这项福利获得州内学费.


No. 军人家属学费津贴一旦获得批准,就适用 只要该学生一直在本校就读即可. 福利不会转移到其他机构. 如果学生转学,则必须在该机构重新建立资格.

如果军人配偶/受抚养人学费福利不适用,确定资格, 配偶必须在弗吉尼亚州有全职工作, 并为所有应税收入缴纳弗吉尼亚州所得税.

如果配偶不符合本规定所规定的资格, 配偶可以下列三种方式之一符合资格:

  • 在该州居住一年,并持有弗吉尼亚州的驾照, 车辆注册登记, 选民登记.
  • The military person changes his/her legal state of residence to Virginia (which entails paying Virginia state taxes on his/her military income, 获得弗吉尼亚州的驾照, 车辆登记及选民登记), 在这种情况下,配偶可以立即获得州内学费的资格.
  • 在这个州住一年, 相当于全职收入(10美元),300美元,并就这笔收入向弗吉尼亚州纳税. If you do this, 你不必换驾照, 车辆登记和选民登记. 这被称为 军事例外规则.

Dependent Student Definition: Any student who is listed as a dependent on the federal or state income tax return of his or her parent or legal guardian or who receives substantial financial support from his or her parents or legal guardian.

Policies & Reminders

Please see the ODUOnline Military Cost & Aid 页获取有关使用 GI Bill®TA Top Up学费资助(TA)NCPACE学费资助(TA)以及学生贷款来支付你在老道明的学费.



在所有学费援助文件上附上SSN或un是必要的. 根据军事政策, SSN不印在军人的学费援助(TA)授权上. 将有空白,以提供社会安全号码(SSN)或大学身份证号码(UIN)。. 如果您没有在表格上提供SSN或un, 无法处理, 这将导致额外的账单通知,并可能导致 滞纳金、帐户持有费和收款费.

Student Payments  ►

工程管理硕士(MEM岸上项目) 除非特别注明例外情况,否则参与者须遵守旧道明大学的所有财务政策. 鼓励学生参考 Student Billing & Payments and the University Catalog 有关政策及程序的详细资料.

MEM岸上计划的注册不限于典型的学期时间表, 而且学费截止日期可能与入学时间不一致. Accordingly, the 学费在注册时缴纳.


大学无法控制退伍军人管理局的资金支出. 学生必须在延期日期结束前支付所有费用,即使尚未收到. 延期的目的是让退伍军人有更多的时间, 然而,时间是有限的,不能超过公布的截止日期.

Students participating in educational programs through the Department of Veterans Affairs may qualify for a deferment of tuition and fees (only). 有兴趣的同学请联系 司法常务官办公室. Deferments are only granted if the appropriate paperwork has been processed by the Registrar's Office prior to the tuition deadline for each semester.

退伍军人延期付款是独立的,不应与其他大学付款安排混淆. 有大学债务的学生不符合资格.


For students using VA Educational Benefits and students who are utilizing their VA Benefits may qualify for a veteran's deferment at least 90 days from the tuition deadline. 退伍军人管理局未支付的费用必须由 tuition deadline to prevent late penalties.



November 25th


April 10th


October 3rd

Chapter 33

根据退伍军人事务部(VA)的要求, 第33章的受益人将在50%的退款期结束后收到他们的资金.

Student Payments ►


Military 学费资助(TA) payments and payments by participants in any of these programs are considered "第三方付款.“某些大学的政策适用.


Payment Reminders

  • 学费在注册时缴纳. 经济处罚 将适用于所有未支付的帐户在下一个帐户审查周期, 每个月的第一天是哪一天.
  • 如果通过学费援助(TA)或研究生教育券(GEV)支付, 向财务处提交授权表格和个人付款.
  • 授权支付100%变更的TA和GEV授权可传真至757-683-5407.
  • 符合条件的学生也可以使用退伍军人事务福利. 请联系您最近的海军学院办公室有关学费援助的信息, 获得退伍军人事务部的联络点或联系海军学院的代表.

Students whose service in the uniformed services requires sudden withdrawal or prolonged absence from enrollment at ODU should review 访客委员会政策1416.


为了遵守国防部的新政策, 最靠谱的网赌软件 will return any unearned TA (Tuition Assistance) funds to the military Service branch on a prorated basis through the 60% portion of the period for which the funds were provided.

在学生因服兵役而停止上课的情况下, 大学将与他们合作,确定不会导致归还部分学生债务的解决方案.




Deadlines Amount Returned
在1-3周之前或期间 100% return**
During week 4 75% return
During week 5-6 65% return
During week 7 56% return
During week 8-9 50% return
During week 10 40%回报(当然60%已完成)
During week 11-16 0% return


**学生的申请只会被当作退回助教经费的申请处理。 not 财政援助出席或重新计算援助.



8周课程(56天 & 2撤回提交


Deadlines Amount Returned
During weeks 1-2 100% return**
During week 3 60% return
During week 4 50% return
During week 5 40%回报(当然60%已完成)
During week 6-8 0% return 





Deadlines Amount Returned
1周课程(5天) No return after 4 days
2周课程(10天) No return after 7 days
4周课程(20天) No return after 30 days
6周课程(30天) No return after 19 days
8周课程(40天) No return after 25 days
10周课程(50天) No return after 31 days 



Please see the ODUOnline Military Cost & Aid 页获取有关使用 GI Bill®TA Top Up学费资助(TA)NCPACE学费资助(TA)以及学生贷款来支付你在老道明的学费.



在所有学费援助文件上附上SSN或un是必要的. 根据军事政策, SSN不印在军人的学费援助(TA)授权上. 将有空白,以提供社会安全号码(SSN)或大学身份证号码(UIN)。. 如果您没有在表格上提供SSN或un, 无法处理, 这将导致额外的账单通知,并可能导致 滞纳金、帐户持有费和收款费.

Student Payments  ►

工程管理硕士(MEM岸上项目) 除非特别注明例外情况,否则参与者须遵守旧道明大学的所有财务政策. 鼓励学生参考 Student Billing & Payments and the University Catalog 有关政策及程序的详细资料.

MEM岸上计划的注册不限于典型的学期时间表, 而且学费截止日期可能与入学时间不一致. Accordingly, the 学费在注册时缴纳.


大学无法控制退伍军人管理局的资金支出. 学生必须在延期日期结束前支付所有费用,即使尚未收到. 延期的目的是让退伍军人有更多的时间, 然而,时间是有限的,不能超过公布的截止日期.

Students participating in educational programs through the Department of Veterans Affairs may qualify for a deferment of tuition and fees (only). 有兴趣的同学请联系 司法常务官办公室. Deferments are only granted if the appropriate paperwork has been processed by the Registrar's Office prior to the tuition deadline for each semester.

退伍军人延期付款是独立的,不应与其他大学付款安排混淆. 有大学债务的学生不符合资格.


For students using VA Educational Benefits and students who are utilizing their VA Benefits may qualify for a veteran's deferment at least 90 days from the tuition deadline. 退伍军人管理局未支付的费用必须由 tuition deadline to prevent late penalties.



November 25th


April 10th


October 3rd

Chapter 33

根据退伍军人事务部(VA)的要求, 第33章的受益人将在50%的退款期结束后收到他们的资金.

Student Payments ►


Military 学费资助(TA) payments and payments by participants in any of these programs are considered "第三方付款.“某些大学的政策适用.


Payment Reminders

  • 学费在注册时缴纳. 经济处罚 将适用于所有未支付的帐户在下一个帐户审查周期, 每个月的第一天是哪一天.
  • 如果通过学费援助(TA)或研究生教育券(GEV)支付, 向财务处提交授权表格和个人付款.
  • 授权支付100%变更的TA和GEV授权可传真至757-683-5407.
  • 符合条件的学生也可以使用退伍军人事务福利. 请联系您最近的海军学院办公室有关学费援助的信息, 获得退伍军人事务部的联络点或联系海军学院的代表.

Students whose service in the uniformed services requires sudden withdrawal or prolonged absence from enrollment at ODU should review 访客委员会政策1416.


为了遵守国防部的新政策, 最靠谱的网赌软件 will return any unearned TA (Tuition Assistance) funds to the military Service branch on a prorated basis through the 60% portion of the period for which the funds were provided.

在学生因服兵役而停止上课的情况下, 大学将与他们合作,确定不会导致归还部分学生债务的解决方案.




Deadlines Amount Returned
在1-3周之前或期间 100% return**
During week 4 75% return
During week 5-6 65% return
During week 7 56% return
During week 8-9 50% return
During week 10 40%回报(当然60%已完成)
During week 11-16 0% return


**学生的申请只会被当作退回助教经费的申请处理。 not 财政援助出席或重新计算援助.



8周课程(56天 & 2撤回提交


Deadlines Amount Returned
During weeks 1-2 100% return**
During week 3 60% return
During week 4 50% return
During week 5 40%回报(当然60%已完成)
During week 6-8 0% return 





Deadlines Amount Returned
1周课程(5天) No return after 4 days
2周课程(10天) No return after 7 days
4周课程(20天) No return after 30 days
6周课程(30天) No return after 19 days
8周课程(40天) No return after 25 days
10周课程(50天) No return after 31 days