
The ODU Libraries are committed to ensuring equal access to information and resources for all members of the academic community.  All ODU Libraries are outfitted with a variety of spaces and furniture to accommodate the needs of users with disabilities.

Information on accessible parking on the ODU Norfolk campus, please consult 运输 and 停车 服务 directly. Information can also be found on 他们的网站.

Students registered with the 办公室 of Educational 可访问性 (OEA) who need to use adaptive/assistive technology may reserve room 1309 at the 佩里图书馆 帮助 Desk in the 学习共享 on the 1st 地板上.  This room is currently being refurbished by the ODU Libraries with assistance from OEA and will be completed by Fall 2024.  It will have adjustable seating, 扫描仪, a portable reading camera and Windows computers with JAWS Fusion, 扫描仪, 库兹韦尔1000, 库兹韦尔3000, OpenBook, 缟玛瑙软件.

Library users with permanent or temporary disabilities that prevent them from retrieving materials can request materials be mailed to their home addresses using ODU Libraries’ 馆际互借 (ILL) services.

On-demand retrieval is available from the help desks at the 佩里图书馆, the 伊莉斯N. Hofheimer Library, and the 迪恩作曲家室 during regular opening hours.  On-demand retrieval may be limited in cases of low staffing.  Users who wish to pick up materials at the 佩里图书馆 学习共享 帮助 Desk are encouraged to email a list of items including the title, 作者, 呼叫号码 learningcommons@sh-fyz.com.

工作人员 at the 佩里图书馆 帮助 Desk are available to assist users with accessibility needs. Users with extended research needs should either contact a 主题专家,使用 研究约会 request form, or call the 佩里图书馆 帮助 Desk 757-683-4178 to make an appointment for assistance.

Some of the library's databases offer an audio feature for articles and other materials. Factiva, WilsonWeb数据库, Gale's Literature Resource Center, and Virtual Reference Library provide audio for most of their content. In other databases, the "html" article format will provide an audio option. You can locate the audio link usually from the full record in the database.

Electronic library materials, such as electronic books, journal subscriptions, and databases are purchased from third-party vendors.  The ODU Libraries attempts to obtain materials that are accessible.  A variety of databases provide audio features that read articles aloud or have an HTML version of the article that can be used with screen readers.  For instruction on specific databases, please consult the appropriate liaison librarian.

在2日, 3rd, and 4th 地板上s may be reserved by single users registered with the campus Educational 可访问性 办公室 through the Room Reservation System for quiet study or test taking.

Reservations may be made for up to 2 hours per person/per day and up to one week in advance. All rooms have a 40" monitor with hookups for PC and MAC laptops. Cables can be checked out from the 佩里图书馆 帮助 Desk on the 1st 地板上.
