feeddodu是一个学生参与项目 & 注册服务 initiative that addresses food insecurity on campus by connecting Monarchs to a network of food resources, 教育, 和支持.


Food insecurity can affect students' ability to be successful in college and focus on completing their degree programs. FeedODU seeks to ensure that every Monarch can get the most out of their 教育 by connecting students who are experiencing food insecurity to resources both on and off campus.

ODU also offers a free on-campus food pantry for currently enrolled students: The 君主储藏室. This resource not only provides students with access to food and toiletries, but it also serves as an opportunity for experiential learning, as the 君主储藏室 is staffed each week by student workers and student volunteers.

有关资源的更多信息, 包括君主储藏室, and information regarding how you can get involved / help support these initiatives, 请参阅下文. 谢谢你帮助我们# feeddodu!


The 君主储藏室 is a food pantry available to all ODU students enrolled in 类 for the current semester, 由领导办公室管理 & 学习. 君主食品室提供各种新鲜食品, 不易腐烂的食品, and personal hygiene items to students who can utilize the resource once per week.

The 君主储藏室 is located in the Suffolk Room in Webb Center across from 咨询 服务s. Students can walk into the Pantry during open hours to shop in person, or they can 在网上预订食物 然后选择一个接电话的时间. Please place your order by noon on the day before your preferred pickup day.

星期二:上午10点.m. - 3:00 p.m.


To arrange a donation drive with the 君主储藏室, please email pantry@sh-fyz.com.

Food donations for the 君主储藏室 can be dropped off any time during our operating hours listed above, 或者你可以发邮件 pantry@sh-fyz.com 安排接送时间.

You can also ship needed donations right to the pantry using our 亚马逊愿望列表.

The 君主储藏室 does accept monetary donations through ODU's giving portal. 你可以在这里直接捐赠给君主食品储藏室.


学生接触 & 支持(SOS)是一个服务 学生办公室主任 that provides support to students who experience administrative, academic, or personal roadblocks. SOS connects students to campus and community resources for food insecurity and homelessness. SOS also has an emergency financial grant for students with unforeseen financial barriers.


补充营养援助计划(SNAP), 以前称为食品券, 是一项联邦计划.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Food and Nutrition 服务. SNAP provides a monthly benefit to individuals through an Electronic Benefits Card (EBT) to supplement the purchase of nutritious foods. The EBT can be used to purchase fruits and vegetables; meat, 家禽, and fish; dairy products; breads and cereals; and other foods such as snack foods and non-alcoholic beverages.


  • Eligibility to participate in state or federally-financed work-study during the academic year (it is not required to actually participate), or
  • Expected Family Contribution (EFC) of $0 in the current academic year

如果你是联邦佩尔助学金获得者, you are eligible to apply for the 负担得起的连接计划!

The 负担得起的连接计划 (ACP) is a Federal Communications Commission (FCC) benefit program that helps ensure that households can afford the internet they need for work, 学校, 和更多的.


  • 您的互联网服务每月最多可享受30美元的折扣
  • 笔记本电脑一次性折扣高达100美元, 平板电脑, or computer (with a co-payment of more than $10 but less than $50)


  • 创建一个新帐户到 在线完成ACP申请
  • 提供您想要服务的地址
  • 选择:“自己资格”
  • 登录并选择选项#2:申请ACP
  • Select: "Federal Pell Grant in the current year award"
  • 填写ACP问卷
  • 发布信息
  • 也许有一天会需要证据,但不是现在
  • Confirmation will be sent to the email address you provided with more information, including next steps and a deadline to sign up for service
  • Within the confirmation email is a link to find a provider in your area
  • 联系 the provider you have selected and begin the setup process


Thank you for your interest in supporting food insecurity initiatives at ODU! 每年个别学生和教职员工, 学生组织, 类, 部门, and offices work with us to combat food insecurity on campus.

If you are interested in making a donation of food or toiletry items, you can contact pantry@sh-fyz.com to receive a list of the most needed items and arrange for a donation drop off!

君主食品储藏室也有一个 亚马逊愿望列表, and you can ship needed items directly to the pantry from anywhere. 你可以在这里直接捐赠给君主食品储藏室.

The 君主储藏室 offers opportunities for students and staff members to get involved, 比如“周三打扫”,还有更多! 如果你对志愿服务感兴趣,请发电子邮件 pantry@sh-fyz.com 上面有你的名字,最靠谱的网赌软件和可用性. 我们希望你能和我们一起做志愿者!

A big barrier that students can experience to accessing resources is simply not knowing that those resources exist. One of the ways you can help address food insecurity on campus is helping to spread the word about what it is, 以及我们正在做什么来解决这个问题.

We encourage you to share information about FeedODU to students widely! 例如,您可以:

  • 分享链接到我们的 website
  • 就像 & share posts from our FeedODU social media or from our partners
  • Include language in your syllabus about food insecurity
  • Post flyers in your office building or residence hall about food insecurity (make sure these follow all the necessary protocols per our 发布的政策!)

请与我们的团队联系 pantry@sh-fyz.com if you have ideas or questions that you may need assistance with!

If you are interested in making a donation of food or toiletry items, you can contact pantry@sh-fyz.com to receive a list of the most needed items and arrange for a donation drop off!

君主食品储藏室也有一个 亚马逊愿望列表, and you can ship needed items directly to the pantry from anywhere. 你可以在这里直接捐赠给君主食品储藏室.

The 君主储藏室 offers opportunities for students and staff members to get involved, 比如“周三打扫”,还有更多! 如果你对志愿服务感兴趣,请发电子邮件 pantry@sh-fyz.com 上面有你的名字,最靠谱的网赌软件和可用性. 我们希望你能和我们一起做志愿者!

A big barrier that students can experience to accessing resources is simply not knowing that those resources exist. One of the ways you can help address food insecurity on campus is helping to spread the word about what it is, 以及我们正在做什么来解决这个问题.

We encourage you to share information about FeedODU to students widely! 例如,您可以:

  • 分享链接到我们的 website
  • 就像 & share posts from our FeedODU social media or from our partners
  • Include language in your syllabus about food insecurity
  • Post flyers in your office building or residence hall about food insecurity (make sure these follow all the necessary protocols per our 发布的政策!)

请与我们的团队联系 pantry@sh-fyz.com if you have ideas or questions that you may need assistance with!