

The University carries property insurance through the Commonwealth covering state owned property for the lesser of repair or replacement. 联系 University Police (757-683-4000) for 偷来的 or vandalized property - a police report will be required to complete a claim with the 风险管理办公室 (ORM). 损坏的财产需要出具事故报告.

所有要求的文件必须提交给风险管理部门 risk@sh-fyz.com 或传真757-683-6025办理. 记住, 所有 财产损失必须报告.

完成一个 国有财产损失报告 和/或一个 事故报告 within three (3) workdays of the incident and forward it 对ORM at risk@sh-fyz.com 或传真至757-683-6025.

The following documents are required for processing a claim reimbursement:

  1. 警方报告 (或报告编号)及/或 事故报告.
  2. 供应商声明 和/或报告,说明以下内容:损失原因, 损坏情况描述, any assessments for covered property/equipment that may require repair or replacement.
    • 对于受保财产/设备 取代, a statement and/or report from a qualified vendor stating they performed an assessment, and that repair is not cost effective and would be of greater cost than replacement is needed.
  3. 原始拥有权证明 由部门
    • E.g. copy of original purchase order or copy of 固定资产盘存或 memorandum from department head stating that property was located in that department, 预计购买日期, 估计成本, 简要描述.
  4. 更换证明 还有一份 支付发票
    • 必须 be an "invoice" document; purchase orders and packing slips will not suffice.
  5. 修理证明 还有一份 已付修理单.
    • It is required that the bill itemize specific所有y what services were performed and/or what parts were provided. Further, the bill must state the purpose for the work and the item(s) repaired. 在这种情况下,账单包括几个项目, please annotate those portions of the bill applicable to the insurance claim. "For 服务s Rendered" bills are not acceptable support for a claim.
  6. 照片 损失的多少

The above documents must be sent to 风险管理 via email or 传真 for processing. 记住, 所有 财产损失必须报告.

最靠谱的网赌软件 (ODU) maintains insurance for its fine arts collections as well as art, 借给ODU的文物和/或珍本书籍. In most cases fine arts or other items loaned to ODU that have been taken into care, 监护权, 和对ODU的控制可纳入规划范围. Each department is responsible for reporting their inventory of fine arts along with 所有 supporting documentation.

Fine arts include but are not limited to: paintings (oil acrylics, 水彩画, 彩笔, 钢笔、墨水等.), 照片, 石版画, 签名的作品, 雕塑(所有介质), 历史文件和/或文物.


When departments are in the process of accepting a loan of fine arts on behalf of ODU, a 美术贷款协议 should be completed when there are no other contracts or agreements that have been presented to ODU. This form must be returned to the Curator of Collections/G所有ery Director for review. The G所有ery Director or Curator will submit the form to the Office for Compliance and 风险管理 (OCRM) after review. The form must be on file in ORM one (1) week prior to receiving the fine art in order for it to be considered covered under ODU's insurance.

如果美术品由ODU投保,请填写 申请美术保险 form. This request should be received by ORM one (1) week prior to receiving the art. 请传真至757-683-6025或发送至电子邮件 risk@sh-fyz.com.

在贷款期限结束时, the processes must be repeated before releasing the item from ODU's care. Any damage during the loan period must be reported to the lender immediately and ORM should also be notified of any damages by the following the guidelines below for reporting loss to fine arts.


Loss to fine art must be reported as soon as possible and below documentation forwarded to OCRM for processing. 举报艺术品遗失、被盗或损坏;

  • 联系 University Police (757-683-4000) to report lost, 偷来的, or vandalized fine arts. A police report is required and the report number will need to be provided to OCRM.
  • 完成一个 国有财产损失报告(美术类) within three (3) workdays of the incident and forward it to the OCRM at risk @odu.Edu或传真757-683-6025).
  • Provide proof of original ownership 由部门: a copy of original purchase order, 固定资产盘存或 美术贷款协议 对ORM. 这应该包括所有的评估和文件.



关于存放在ODU的个人财产, 学校对损坏承担的责任非常有限, 偷来的, 或者丢失的个人财产. Personal property are items owned by an individual and brought on campus by faculty, 工作人员, 学生或访客. Unless ODU's negligence was clearly responsible for the loss or damage, 我们的保险公司不会支付修理或更换费用. 在很多情况下, 然而, the individual's homeowners or renters insurance may provide coverage for property located outside the residence.

The State's property insurance will cover loss or damage of personal property only if the faculty/工作人员 person's position description requires the use of specific personal items as a condition of employment. 在这种情况下, the insurance claim will be processed in the same manner as that for university property.

  • 报告所有事故 奥多警察局 at 757-683-4000
  • Direct 所有 questions concerning reimbursement for loss to the 风险管理办公室 at 757-683-4009 or risk@sh-fyz.com


When property (including personal property of a faculty or 工作人员 member used by the University) is on loan to ODU, 具体信息,如描述, 识别(使, 模型, 序列号, 等.) and value must be provided to the 风险管理办公室 (ORM) for coverage under the PLAN. 提供的信息 贷款给ODU的物业 form. Any loss or damage must be documented and must have been the result of an identifiable, 意外事件(不是简单的忽视或放错地方).


ODU property on loan to another agency or entity sh所有 be documented using the ODU贷款物业 form.


Both forms should be on file with ORM one (1) week prior to receiving/loaning the property. 请将填妥的表格传真至757-683-6025或电邮至 risk@sh-fyz.com.