

识别 programs are an important element of 最靠谱的网赌软件's total compensation system. They provide a means to recognize and reward the exceptional contributions of university employees to the overall objectives of their departments and to the University's accomplishment of its mission.

These guidelines provide university managers with information on developing a comprehensive range of programs designed to recognize and reward varying degrees of effort and achievement by university employees.



We can assist managers with planning and budgeting a custom recognition program for their department, 并提供关于货币/非货币礼品限制的指导, 税收规定, 等.


部门可向员工提供金钱、非金钱和/或休假奖励(视情况而定). 有些奖励需要考虑税务影响.





认可可能侧重于个人或团队的贡献, and recognition approaches may be determined based on what is best suited for the department or team.





员工全年都应该得到某种形式的赞赏, 即使表格只是一个口头或书面的感谢便条,从一个主管.


让它有意义 & 及时的.
为了使认可有意义,它必须与期望的行为联系起来,并且是及时的. 它还应该考虑到什么是有意义的收件人.

Every employee has a responsibility to ensure that actions that merit recognition are brought to the attention of a supervisor.

适当的公众认可可以增强其影响.g. 在一次员工会议上.


奖励双方 & 团队.

必须是公平的 & 公平的.


部门主管可以决定哪些识别方法最适合他们的领域. 认可可能侧重于个人或团队的贡献.

每年至少举行一次的组织范围内的高调活动. 这些活动是用来表彰员工对大学的贡献. 例子:

  • 员工服务奖
  • 客户关系员工/年度最佳部门奖
  • 退休人员嘉许午宴
  • 行政专业日
  • 退伍军人事务部公共服务表彰周

预先安排的, more frequently scheduled ways of acknowledging contributions and accomplishments of an individual or team. 这种方法不那么正式,并且提供了更多的机会来表彰员工. 例子:

  • 客户服务
  • 安全
  • 出席
  • 生产力
  • 杰出的成就

在任何时候对组织的行为和价值观的展示进行认可, contributions to the goals and objectives of the organization or department and to acknowledge individual or team accomplishments. 例子:

  • 团队合作
  • 一个特殊的项目
  • 商业实践:新的或改良的商业实践
  • 的努力
  • 员工升值

部门可以向员工提供金钱、非金钱和/或休假奖励. (但是,小时工不能获得表彰假.)有些奖励会涉及税务问题,如下所述.

  • 每位员工每个财政年度的货币和非货币奖励总额不得超过2,000美元.
  • 识别 leave up to 5 workdays may be awarded to a classified employee in a leave year (January 10 through January 9 of the following year). 所获认可假期的价值将不包括在2元的计算内,每个会计年度每位员工的奖励限额为5,000美元.
  • A classified employee may receive the maximum monetary and/or non-monetary award AND the maximum recognition leave award.

根据美国国税局的税收规定,奖金需纳税. 非金钱奖励也可能需要纳税.

货币奖励是指以任何流通票据(现金)支付的奖励, 检查, 汇款单, and direct deposit); or, 任何可以轻易兑换成现金的项目, 比如储蓄债券. 6月13日生效, 2008, 由于涉及税务问题,礼品卡和礼券可能不用于认可. 学校不得在员工的基本工资中增加金钱奖励.

所有金钱奖励, 无论金额多少, 雇员的收入是否被视为收入并相应征税. The University cannot increase award totals by the amount of payroll taxes normally deducted from employees' pay.

非货币性 recognition awards include: meals; tickets; trips; plaques; trophies; certificates; pencils; pencils, pens and desk items; cups and mugs; personal items of clothing such as caps, 衬衫, and sweat衬衫; and other items such as radios, 电子产品, 运动器材及钟表.

非货币性奖励可以被认为是“最低限度的”,因此如果价值是免税的, 在考虑了给定的频率之后, 是否小到不合理或行政上不可行. 非“最低限度”的非金钱奖励是应纳税的.

单笔不超过400美元的非货币性赠与是免税的, 如果它认可员工的长期服务或安全.

The Payroll Office will provide assistance in determining when non-monetary awards are or are not taxable in accordance with IRS regulations. 如果奖励被确定为应纳税,部门应将此通知员工.

The process for awarding recognition leave depends upon the department's recognition program and the guidelines established by the appropriate senior administrative area. 授予表彰假需要备忘录或表彰表, and should document the employee's actions or activities that warranted recognition along with the dates those actions or activities occurred, 以及获得的休假数量. 部门应将备忘录或确认表送交人力资源部. 人力资源 will document the recognition leave for reporting purposes and notify the Payroll Office to credit the recognition leave for the employee.

当员工使用休假时, 休假活动报告表用于记录休假天数和休假日期, 并按照标准程序提交给工资办公室.

认可假自获发之日起12个月内失效. 然而, the department may request to extend the 12 month retention period for recognition leave if the department has been unable to allow the employee to use the leave.


  1. 当雇员因辞职、退休、解雇、终止或死亡而离开国家服务时.
  2. 当雇员从一个机构调到另一个机构时,晋升或降职.
  3. when the employee is placed on long term disability under the Virginia Sickness and Disability Program.


  • 在12个月的期末, 部门已经无法允许该员工使用休假或
  • 雇员在大学内部从一个部门转到另一个部门.

Departments may procure monetary and non-monetary awards and items to be used for employee recognition in accordance with the relevant procurement policies, 由采购处管理的程序和合同.

It is the responsibility of senior administrators to determine how funding will be provided within their divisions to support employee recognition programs. Internal controls must be established to assure awards are in accordance with the recognition program's intent. Departments may use other funding sources as deemed appropriate by the respective senior administrator to support employee recognition.

Senior administrators should determine the level of flexibility or control they want to allow in the administration of recognition programs.

正式的 and planned recognition programs that are established on a vice presidential and/or departmental level shall include the following components:

  1. 项目目标;
  2. 参与标准;
  3. 描述向员工提供有关该计划的信息的方法;
  4. 描述挑选员工进行表彰的过程, 包括指明负责甄选嘉许奖得奖者的人士;
  5. 作出奖项决定的客观标准;
  6. 奖项说明及颁奖方式;
  7. 预计发生的费用.

即时识别程序, 比如现场颁奖, 哪些应该成为管理人员日常实践的一部分, 是否还应该建立一些指导方针,以确保奖励是有意义的, 在可能和适当的时候及时和公开.

HR 员工关系 can assist departments with information and examples on establishing employee recognition programs:

  • 文档
    All forms of recognition shall be documented for placement in the employee's official personnel file in the Department of 人力资源. 文档 should be forwarded to 人力资源 at the time of recognition for reporting purposes. 文档 should contain the name or names of all employees recognized; the form of recognition; the employee's actions or activities that warranted recognition; and the dates the actions/activities occurred, 当得到认可时.
  • 适当的表示
    主管应该在适当的展示形式或聚会中认可员工, 应该抓住每一个机会公开表示感谢,并公布姓名和事件, 在适当的时候.
  • 永恒的识别
    Every attempt should be made to recognize employees as close as possible to the action for which they are being recognized.

It is the intent of these guidelines to decentralize the decision-making authority as much as possible to the vice presidential and/or departmental level.

有现有认可项目的部门可能想要审查这些项目, 特别是在奖励的类型方面,因为有更多的选择, 并相应地修改它们. 文档 on current recognition programs and on new recognition programs at the vice presidential or departmental level should be provided to the Department of 人力资源 for review and record keeping purposes.

部门主管可以决定哪些识别方法最适合他们的领域. 认可可能侧重于个人或团队的贡献.

每年至少举行一次的组织范围内的高调活动. 这些活动是用来表彰员工对大学的贡献. 例子:

  • 员工服务奖
  • 客户关系员工/年度最佳部门奖
  • 退休人员嘉许午宴
  • 行政专业日
  • 退伍军人事务部公共服务表彰周

预先安排的, more frequently scheduled ways of acknowledging contributions and accomplishments of an individual or team. 这种方法不那么正式,并且提供了更多的机会来表彰员工. 例子:

  • 客户服务
  • 安全
  • 出席
  • 生产力
  • 杰出的成就

在任何时候对组织的行为和价值观的展示进行认可, contributions to the goals and objectives of the organization or department and to acknowledge individual or team accomplishments. 例子:

  • 团队合作
  • 一个特殊的项目
  • 商业实践:新的或改良的商业实践
  • 的努力
  • 员工升值

部门可以向员工提供金钱、非金钱和/或休假奖励. (但是,小时工不能获得表彰假.)有些奖励会涉及税务问题,如下所述.

  • 每位员工每个财政年度的货币和非货币奖励总额不得超过2,000美元.
  • 识别 leave up to 5 workdays may be awarded to a classified employee in a leave year (January 10 through January 9 of the following year). 所获认可假期的价值将不包括在2元的计算内,每个会计年度每位员工的奖励限额为5,000美元.
  • A classified employee may receive the maximum monetary and/or non-monetary award AND the maximum recognition leave award.

根据美国国税局的税收规定,奖金需纳税. 非金钱奖励也可能需要纳税.

货币奖励是指以任何流通票据(现金)支付的奖励, 检查, 汇款单, and direct deposit); or, 任何可以轻易兑换成现金的项目, 比如储蓄债券. 6月13日生效, 2008, 由于涉及税务问题,礼品卡和礼券可能不用于认可. 学校不得在员工的基本工资中增加金钱奖励.

所有金钱奖励, 无论金额多少, 雇员的收入是否被视为收入并相应征税. The University cannot increase award totals by the amount of payroll taxes normally deducted from employees' pay.

非货币性 recognition awards include: meals; tickets; trips; plaques; trophies; certificates; pencils; pencils, pens and desk items; cups and mugs; personal items of clothing such as caps, 衬衫, and sweat衬衫; and other items such as radios, 电子产品, 运动器材及钟表.

非货币性奖励可以被认为是“最低限度的”,因此如果价值是免税的, 在考虑了给定的频率之后, 是否小到不合理或行政上不可行. 非“最低限度”的非金钱奖励是应纳税的.

单笔不超过400美元的非货币性赠与是免税的, 如果它认可员工的长期服务或安全.

The Payroll Office will provide assistance in determining when non-monetary awards are or are not taxable in accordance with IRS regulations. 如果奖励被确定为应纳税,部门应将此通知员工.

The process for awarding recognition leave depends upon the department's recognition program and the guidelines established by the appropriate senior administrative area. 授予表彰假需要备忘录或表彰表, and should document the employee's actions or activities that warranted recognition along with the dates those actions or activities occurred, 以及获得的休假数量. 部门应将备忘录或确认表送交人力资源部. 人力资源 will document the recognition leave for reporting purposes and notify the Payroll Office to credit the recognition leave for the employee.

当员工使用休假时, 休假活动报告表用于记录休假天数和休假日期, 并按照标准程序提交给工资办公室.

认可假自获发之日起12个月内失效. 然而, the department may request to extend the 12 month retention period for recognition leave if the department has been unable to allow the employee to use the leave.


  1. 当雇员因辞职、退休、解雇、终止或死亡而离开国家服务时.
  2. 当雇员从一个机构调到另一个机构时,晋升或降职.
  3. when the employee is placed on long term disability under the Virginia Sickness and Disability Program.


  • 在12个月的期末, 部门已经无法允许该员工使用休假或
  • 雇员在大学内部从一个部门转到另一个部门.

Departments may procure monetary and non-monetary awards and items to be used for employee recognition in accordance with the relevant procurement policies, 由采购处管理的程序和合同.

It is the responsibility of senior administrators to determine how funding will be provided within their divisions to support employee recognition programs. Internal controls must be established to assure awards are in accordance with the recognition program's intent. Departments may use other funding sources as deemed appropriate by the respective senior administrator to support employee recognition.

Senior administrators should determine the level of flexibility or control they want to allow in the administration of recognition programs.

正式的 and planned recognition programs that are established on a vice presidential and/or departmental level shall include the following components:

  1. 项目目标;
  2. 参与标准;
  3. 描述向员工提供有关该计划的信息的方法;
  4. 描述挑选员工进行表彰的过程, 包括指明负责甄选嘉许奖得奖者的人士;
  5. 作出奖项决定的客观标准;
  6. 奖项说明及颁奖方式;
  7. 预计发生的费用.

即时识别程序, 比如现场颁奖, 哪些应该成为管理人员日常实践的一部分, 是否还应该建立一些指导方针,以确保奖励是有意义的, 在可能和适当的时候及时和公开.

HR 员工关系 can assist departments with information and examples on establishing employee recognition programs:

  • 文档
    All forms of recognition shall be documented for placement in the employee's official personnel file in the Department of 人力资源. 文档 should be forwarded to 人力资源 at the time of recognition for reporting purposes. 文档 should contain the name or names of all employees recognized; the form of recognition; the employee's actions or activities that warranted recognition; and the dates the actions/activities occurred, 当得到认可时.
  • 适当的表示
    主管应该在适当的展示形式或聚会中认可员工, 应该抓住每一个机会公开表示感谢,并公布姓名和事件, 在适当的时候.
  • 永恒的识别
    Every attempt should be made to recognize employees as close as possible to the action for which they are being recognized.

It is the intent of these guidelines to decentralize the decision-making authority as much as possible to the vice presidential and/or departmental level.

有现有认可项目的部门可能想要审查这些项目, 特别是在奖励的类型方面,因为有更多的选择, 并相应地修改它们. 文档 on current recognition programs and on new recognition programs at the vice presidential or departmental level should be provided to the Department of 人力资源 for review and record keeping purposes.