
最靠谱的网赌软件's 研究生院 has been chosen by the 研究生院委员会 (CGS) to participate in a Master's Career Pathways Exit Survey project, which is designed to better understand and strengthen the role of master's education in STEM workforce development.

The project is funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF). 实现了ODU 1卡内基的地位 在12月, 是收到25美元的10所大学之一吗,该项目将于4月1日开始, 2022, 到5月31日, 2024. 这个项目是Ph.D. 职业道路项目由CGS于2014年发起.

“在ODU, even as we celebrate the success of our doctoral programs and our newly won R1 status, 我们的硕士课程仍然是一个重要的焦点, particularly insofar as they prepare students for rewarding careers in education, 行业, 医疗保健和非营利部门,Robert Wojtowicz说, 副教务长兼研究生院院长. "We are delighted to partner with CGS and NSF on this important survey."

Data for the master's project will be collected in three "waves:" April 1-Aug. 31, 2022; Sept. 1-Dec. 31, 2022; and Jan. 1-Dec. 31, 2023. 每学期, 研究生院, working with the University's Office of Institutional Effectiveness and Assessment, will email master's students invitations to participate in the survey. Information gathered will help identify career outcome expectations and will be used to adjust curricula to meet competencies identified in the survey.

根据研究生院过去进行的调查, 大约1,预计将有500名学生参加.

The 研究生院 will also host two outreach events that will bring regional employers to campus to discuss training needs and work competencies best suited for master's degrees that already exist - and for those that could be developed.

This will tap into the expertise and needs of the many STEM stakeholders in Hampton Roads, 哪个国家拥有世界上最大的海军基地, 众多军事设施, 和地方, 州和联邦教育, 卫生保健, 工程和航空航天组织, 包括NASA Langley和Sentara 健康care.

The focus of the project will be on ODU's 13 STEM master's degree programs, including several that are related to "Industries of the Future (IoF)" - data science with a concentration in artificial intelligence and machine learning; engineering with a concentration in biomedical; and computer science with a concentration in information and communications technology. Other related master's degrees supportive of IoFs are cybersecurity and computational and applied mathematics with a concentration in biostatistics.

The study will also look at non-STEM master's degrees that support STEM workforce needs, 例如海上贸易和供应链管理, 精通英语,擅长技术写作, 图书馆与情报学, 寿命和数字通信.

The 研究生院 will identify two graduate program directors from STEM and two from non-STEM programs to lead the effort to adapt the data. They will be selected based upon the first wave of results, 哪些可能表明重点领域. The second and third data waves will be used to confirm and modify the analysis, with curricula changes to be implemented as early as the final semester of the grant.

The findings of the study will also be used to inform recruitment of students, 尤其是在多元化方面. A 皮尤研究中心的研究 in 2021 showed that Blacks and Hispanics were underrepresented nationwide among degree recipients in STEM fields and in the STEM workforce. 女性 were underrepresented in engineering, computer and physical science occupations.

"This project will provide important insights that will help our graduate programs adapt to the needs of the growing STEM job market and better prepare our master's students to enter the workforce,奥斯汀说, 教务长兼学术事务副校长. "It will also guide our continuing efforts to encourage and support underrepresented and minority students as they pursue advanced degrees in STEM disciplines."

The other institutions that received funding for the study are California State University at Bakersfield, 佐治亚州立大学, 罩上大学, 杰克逊州立大学, 奥克兰大学, 德克萨斯州立大学, 明尼苏达大学, 北达科他大学, 以及北德克萨斯大学. 加州大学, 加州大学伯克利分校, and the University of Central Florida agreed to participate in the project without receiving funding.

ODU's 研究生院 offers 42 master's degree programs in both traditional and/or online modalities within a larger portfolio that includes educational specialist degrees, 22 doctoral degrees and more than 50 graduate certificates. More than 4,800 of the University's student body of approximately 23,500 are graduate students. 要了解更多关于研究生院的信息,请访问此 link.


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