

最靠谱的网赌软件 students seeking academic accommodations are required to submit documentation verifying eligibility under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act and the Americans with Disabilities Act. All documentation is confidential and is never considered a part of the academic transcript. Students with the appropriate documentation may receive accommodations.



The following guidelines are provided in the interest of identifying evaluation reports appropriate to document eligibility. If you have questions regarding any of these guidelines, please contact the Office of 教育的可访问性 at (757) 683-4655.


The educational evaluations that led to disability diagnosis and IEP/504 plan development.
Please provide the most recent Psycho-Educational Evaluation conducted by the school team.


The educational evaluations that led to disability diagnosis and IEP/504 plan development.
Please provide the most recent Psycho-Educational Evaluation conducted by the school team.


如果没有心理教育评估, then we need a letter from a qualified examiner/doctor stating the disability, 它影响学生的具体方式, 还有住宿方面的建议.


A letter from a doctor stating the diagnosed disability, 它影响学生的具体方式, 还有住宿方面的建议.


合格考官(顾问)的来信, 治疗师, 心理学家, or psychiatrist) stating the specific disability/diagnosis, 它影响学生的具体方式, 还有住宿方面的建议.


Documentation from an audiologist that includes the current level of hearing, 功能性听力水平, 以及对学术环境的具体建议.


Documentation from an ophthalmologist stating the current level of vision, 功能性视力, 以及对学术环境的具体建议.


Documentation from a qualified examiner or doctor stating the specific diagnosis/disability, 它影响学生的具体方式 including functional limitations, and possible recommendations for navigating the physical campus and learning environments.


The VA Benefits Disability Rating Letter/Paperwork which includes the descriptions of determination for each rating.

获取有关文档的更多信息. 请遵循下面的具体指导方针. There may be a need for temporary accommodations due to a short-term condition or impairment. Please reach out to the 教育的可访问性 staff for more information.

The evaluation should be conducted by a qualified professional with training and experience in evaluating adolescent/adult populations. 评估人员包括临床心理学家, neuro-心理学家s, 精神科医生, other relevantly trained 医疗 doctors; a clinical team approach to diagnosis may also be appropriate.

  • Reports should be on letterhead, typed, dated, signed and otherwise legible.
  • 名字, title, 评估人员的专业证书, and state/province in which the individual practices should be clearly stated in the documentation.
  • 确定残疾的类型(1).e. 诊断)
  • 症状描述
  • A statement of functional limitations due to the disability
  • A summary of the assessment procedures and/or evaluation instruments that were used to make the diagnosis
  • Information about current medication(s) used to treat the disability.
  • 任何处方药可能产生的副作用.
  • Suggested recommendations for effective and reasonable accommodations.

Documentation will be reviewed by qualified OEA staff members and accommodations determined on a case-by-case basis.

The evaluation should be conducted by a qualified professional with training and experience in evaluating adolescents/adults for learning disorders (evaluators include clinical 心理学家s, 神经心理学家, 学校心理学家, and learning disorders specialists; a clinical team approach to diagnosis may also be appropriate).


  • A clinical interview with relevant background information (e.g., current difficulties/limitations in functioning; academic, 医疗, 心理, 和/或家族史)
  • Aptitude testing with a comprehensive, well-established measure (e.g., the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-Fourth Edition (WAIS-IV)
  • Achievement testing with a comprehensive, well-established measure (e.g., the Woodcock-Johnson Tests of Achievement, Third Edition (WJ-III)
  • Information processing testing (subtests of the WAIS-IV may be used)
  • 如有必要,可采取补充措施(如.g., measures of emotional or personality functioning or specific achievement tests such as the Nelson-Denny Reading Test) that may further indicate difficulties in functioning


  • The name, title, professional credentials, signature, and contact information of the evaluator
  • 评估日期
  • 评估中使用的测量方法的总结
  • Test scores, preferably standard scores and/or percentiles
  • 由评估支持的诊断
  • Recommendations for accommodations that are supported by the evaluation
  • The evaluation should be conducted by a qualified professional with training and experience in evaluating adolescents/adults for learning disorders (evaluators include clinical 心理学家s, 神经心理学家, 学校心理学家, and learning disorders specialists; a clinical team approach to diagnosis may also be appropriate).

Students who experience a temporary physical or mobility impairment due to an injury or surgery must provide documentation of the impairment from a qualified examiner such as a 医疗 doctor or emergency room personnel.

  • 报告应抬头,打印,易读
  • The name, title, professional credentials of the physician, and date of evaluation.
  • 减值的性质.
  • 预期减值的持续时间.
  • 它对学生的影响. 请注意, 下肢损伤, the documentation must state that the student is non-weight bearing to be eligible for golf cart transportation assistance.
  • Suggested accommodations based on the impairment that is supported by the evaluation (i.e. 高尔夫球车运输、记录、笔记等.)


If you have questions regarding any of these guidelines, please contact the Office of 教育的可访问性 at (757) 683-4655.