Affinity 组织

的 办公室 of Academic Affairs is dedicated to systemically building and maintaining a culture of inclusive excellence that values and embraces diverse faculty. Such dedication includes aligning our efforts through the university's strategic plan, evaluating our progress annually and adjusting our efforts to meet the needs of our changing campus.


OFDR Annual Report

的 office has interacted with more than 490 participants at 16 hosted or sponsored events including virtual cafés, 研讨会, 和会议.  Learn more about our impact.


This office is committed to identifying and removing barriers to the recruitment and retention of diverse faculty while creating and sustaining an environment of inclusive excellence where diverse faculty thrive. 


ODU undergoes a multi-year improvement cycle through the Collaborative on Academic Careers in Higher Education (COACHE) 教师 Satisfaction process. 


的 办公室 of 教师 多样性 & 保留 is pleased to share the first diversity-focused newsletter for faculty: 包容的声音

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